What a lucky day! After one barbecue then another barbecue. Haha Im getting fatter because of you guys! Actually the barbecue is for Ari, Luqman, and Emier. Since birthday dieorg sume bulan June so buat sume skali. So kire celebrate my birthday in advanced la. Haha. We all had a blast last night sumpah tak tipu. Sort of like a gathering pun ade jugak sbb most of us dah lama tak jumpe among each other. Thanks to Omar for letting us make the barbecue in his condo even though kene halau dengan security guard. The barbecue supposed to end at 10 p.m but end up we were chilling until 1 am. Haha the best part is Emier and Luqman kene baling masuk dlm pool! Hariz pun almost kene!
But somehow there was a few of them spoiled the party sbb dieorg gi stoned then jadi mcm org tak sedar diri. Whatever it is, Im glad to have all of you in my life. 5 years of relationship and still counting! Pictures will be uploaded soon. Chalo!
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