Sep 16, 2008 Thanks For The Memory

It's been 2 weeks Pompy have left us. It was so awful to hear how she died. I got a msg from Rauf at 5, he said " Acip bad news, Pompy jatuh mati lompat dari tingkap toilet". I can’t even cry. Can you imagine from 8th floor? Che Mad said cat can survive no matter how high they jump. Looks like he was wrong. Pompy hurts badly on her head. I wasn't there. I was at my girlfriend's. Wan took it and put it in the plastic bag. The next day I came home and then me and Ghazi went to throw it. We all wanted to bury it but since we don’t have the cangkul and all that so I decided just throw it in the lake or somewhere else.

To Pompy, thanks for cheering us up when we were down,
thanks for putting a smile on our face when were stress,
and thanks for coming into our life.
Rest in peace.


dianaludin said...

Dy baru ja main ngan dia masa tu, luka cakar dia br hilang, Aww.